City of Ishpeming - Water System Improvements - Contract 2

Description  Replacement or improvements of approximately 25,000 LF of existing water mains ranging in size from 8” to 12”. Replacement or improvements to service lines, gate valves, hydrants, and associated appurtenances for the distribution system within the City of Ishpeming Limits. 
Engineer's Estimate   
Bid Ad  03517-2.pdf (Acrobat Reader Required)
Bid Date  6/26/2024 
Bid Time  1:30:00 PM 
Bid Location  City of Ishpeming, 100 E. Division Street, Ishpeming, MI 49849 
Walkthrough Date  6/12/2024 
Walkthrough Time  10:00:00 AM 
Plan Deposit $200.00
Handling Fee  $200.00 
Contact  Chris Holmes  



Bidder  Base Bid 
Payne & Dolan  $10,342,762.25 
Danielson Contracting, Inc.  $10,890,000.00 
View Bid Tab (Acrobat Reader Required)


List of Planholders

Name  Address  City  State  Zip  Phone  Fax 
Danielson Contracting, Inc.  16538 Varline Road  Baraga  MI  49908  906-395-3692  906-353-8081 
Payne & Dolan (Gladstone)  801 Clark Drive  Gladstone  MI  49837  906-428-1008  906-428-2823 
Oberstar, Inc.  1900 Industrial Parkway  Marquette  MI  49855  906-226-6799  906-228-5858 
Ferguson Waterworks - Appleton  5350 N. Richmond Street  Appleton  WI  54913  920-731-3252  920-731-2305